Catherine Baumgardner
Upon arrival to ACU, fall of 2018, I hit the ground running on leading chapels. I have been honored to lead speaking engagements to small and larger groups since 1999. Sharing my life story, testimony, and a Word from the Lord to encourage others is one of my favorite things to do in life. So, when Dawne asked the faculty if we would each lead a chapel, I jumped at the chance.
Fall of 2018, I shared my testimony in leaning into Jesus through life's tough battles, Satan's lies, and shattered hearts.
Spring of 2019, I lead a three-week chapel series over mental health, I entitled “A Captive Mind.” In this series I shared all I have learned through what it means to ACTUALLY take my thoughts captive to God. (II Corinthians 10:3--5 and Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind). This series was very well attended by the students.
In Spring of 2022, I led another chapel mini-series for five weeks: “The Mind Battle”. This was held in the Hester Lobby. An average of 10 were there every time. Samantha Brant had perfect attendance and wrote me a very kind note once the series was over. (Picture of note under Service tab.)
Faculty Mentor:
I have been a mentor to faculty member Karly Adrion beginning fall of 2022. She and I have met for coffee several times. I have really enjoyed getting to know her. She is a bubbly delight and is incredibly knowledgable in her field! I have even picked her brain about instagram posts for my Voice of Costume podcast.
Honor's College
Honor’s Colloquium:
Honor’s College selected me to lead an Honors Colloquium I applied to lead. It was entitled The Art of Felting. It took place spring 2023. All 15 spots were filled and I had a wait list! I was really pleased with the outcome of this course and the students’ evaluation of the course. (Please see pictures of students work under Teaching tab.)
Experiential Learning Course:
I was selected to participate in the EL Course offered by the Adams Center. I was very excited to participate in a year-long development of a capstone design course that will eventually be required for students in the design tech track.
The Adams Center
The Learning Studio
Basically, anytime Kyle Dickson asks me to do something, I'm in. Want to do a trailer for one of your classes? Absolutely I do. Want to lead a costume workshop at the Learning Studio? Yep. Sign me up. Can you and Jason meet to discuss possible film ideas on campus? Tell us where to be and we will be there. You and Jason want to go to Gruene for a weekend retreat hosted by ACU? Done. You still recording your podcast and want to record it at the Learning Studio? On it.
If you have any doubt to this, just talk to Kyle. I love the Dickson family and have for over thirty years.
Sharing Your Voice Workshop
Kyle invited me to join the podcast panel to share my experience with hosting a podcast.
Sharing your Voice:
New Audiences for Teaching and Scholarship Jan. 26, 2019
Blogging panel –
Brad East and Jennifer Shewmaker
Podcasting panel –
Catherine Baumgardner, Cole Bennett, and Scott Self
Video panel –
Kyle Dickson and Houston Heflin
Sponsored by the 20/20 Teaching Innovation Grant program, Adams Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Learning Studio
Course Trailer Created for Learning Studio Project
"I am glad to have Catherine at ACU. She is an asset to our university."
--Dr. Laura Carroll
For full letter from Dr. Laura Carroll, click here
(Full letter is also under Letters Tab)
"I believe that Catherine has demonstrated exemplary collegiality and service to the university."
--Cliff Barbarick
Learning Studio Workshop:

I attended the amazing, soul-filling ACU faculty retreat in Gruene, TX 2021.
Shakespeare Festival, 2021
Not only did I have a blast designing for both Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night's Dream, I also stepped in to play a fairy in Midsummer when a couple of students ended up not staying in town for the production. I was also given the opportunity to dust my old flute playing skills off and play the flute as Moth.
Fellow Design Teachers
I have had the opportunity to work with three scenic faculty during my time at ACU: Jake Harbour, David Utley, and Eric Pitney. It has been a great experience to work with all three of these designers and collaborate with them in different ways for the shows and for the design program.